Have you or a loved one been injured due to distracted driving, or perhaps dealing with a devastating wrongful death case because of a motor vehicle incident? Unfortunately, distracted driving claims many lives each year and injures several more.

If you are pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death case, it is essential to understand the different types and causes of distracted driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving was the cause of 3,142 lives lost in the year 2020. Being able to prove distracted driving is integral to these types of cases.

What are the Types of Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving involves anything that can prevent a driver’s full attention from the road. There are four types of distracted driving:

Visual Driving Distractions

Visual distractions cause you to look elsewhere than the road around you. Anything that causes you to take your eyes off the road is considered a visual distraction.

Manual Driving Distractions

Manual distractions cause a driver to take their hands off the wheel to perform other activities, which can cause delayed reaction times to sudden shifts in traffic.

Cognitive Driving Distractions

Cognitive distractions cause a hindrance to a driver’s concentration while driving. These can cause delayed response times and an inability to focus on the task of driving.

Auditory Driving Distractions

Auditory distractions can divert a driver’s attention from the road ahead of them, whether to identify or address the noise source.

Top Driving Distractions

Texting or Other Types of Messaging

Texting while driving is one of the leading causes of distracted driving accidents. Many drivers are involved in typing text messages, recording video messages, or even video chatting while driving. Although many cars come equipped with hands-free technology, texting or talking on a cell phone is still a distraction.

For perspective, sending a text message while driving is comparable to driving a whole football field with your eyes closed.

Reviewing Directions on Your GPS

Taking the time to get directions on a navigation system takes just as much attention off the road as text messaging. Inputting destinations and reviewing step-by-step instructions take enough attention away from the road to cause an accident.

Adjusting Vehicle Controls

A serious accident can occur in the few seconds it takes to adjust the temperature in a car or turn up the volume on the radio.

Engaging with Passengers

Talking to passengers in the vehicle can distract drivers because they may become absorbed in concentrating on the conversation rather than being aware while driving.

Assisting Children or Pets

Children and pets can present significant distractions. A child has many needs and requires a lot of attention, which can cause drivers to risk attending to their needs while driving. Loose pets in a vehicle can present a hazard as well.

Eating and Drinking

For drivers on the go, ordering fast food may be their norm. But eating and drinking while driving is a significant distraction.

Applying Makeup or Grooming

Sometimes drivers may run late for an appointment or work, causing them to attempt to finish getting ready in the car while driving and taking their focus from the road.

Smoking or Vaping

Smoking requires one hand off the wheel for the duration of a drive from one place to another. It can be even more distracting if the driver lights a cigarette while on the road.

Emotional Distractions

Drivers on the road, while upset, can get caught up in their thoughts and emotions and lose focus on the road.

Have You Been Injured In A Car Accident?

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident, the team of experienced attorneys at Strickland and Kendall, LLC is here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule your free consultation.